Brett Desmond, a genius programmer with a troubled past is called in to finish a topsecret behaviour recognition program, ROPER, after the previous Lead Programmer went insane. But the deeper Brett delves into the code, the more his own behavior begins changing…in increasingly terrifying ways.
Suspense builds with surveillance, PC, and eyeglass cameras – often with four images onscreen at once…as if ROPER itself is telling the story.
Winner of the 2015 Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival Award, writer-director Mark Netter’s "Nightmare Code" is “stylish and intelligent” (Horror Asylum) and a “Heir to 2001” (Sensitive Skin).
Andrew J. West (The Walking Dead), Mei Melancon (X-Men: The Last Stand) and Googy Gress (Apollo 13) star.
Pre-order the US DVD from Amazon.com
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