What a nailbiter. How long did Wages of Sin take to write, and how did the idea come about?
Sam : It took about three weeks to write the first draft. We then did a quick rewrite pass. After that, we brought some actors to my house and had a reading; followed by another rewrite. We also made some tweaks during the shoot.
Doug :Sam and I both love the Coen brothers and Terrence Malick. We wanted to make a thriller that had some elements of BADLANDS and BLOOD SIMPLE. A kidnapping plot line made it easy to have the film take place basically in one location, which kept the cost down, but still created tension.
You both come from acting/voice-over backgrounds. Why producing and filmmaking, now?
Sam : As an actor you have virtually no control over your career, or the projects in which you are cast. With writing and producing, particularly with indie films, you have a tremendous amount of control.
Doug : With our background as actors, coupled with the new technology, it’s now possible to make films inexpensively, that not only entertain but have something to say. We set up our production company –LITTLE DOG PRODUCTIONS – to do just that.
Has Wages of Sin paved the way for other projects? opened doors?
Sam : So many people just talk about making films. We’ve done it. It’s still tough to get a film off the ground, but now we have a track record. Agents, actors and directors will take our calls.
Doug: Now we have people sending us scripts. We’re trying to broaden our scope and work with new people.
What are some of your favorite scary movies? Are you more impressed by a good classic Hitchcockian thriller, or do you enjoy some of the modern-day slasher flicks?
Sam : I definitely vote for Hitchcock. Tough to top REAR WINDOW and NORTH BY NORTHWEST,
Doug : I go darker, with OLD BOY, MOTHER and BLOOD SIMPLE.
Now that Wages of Sin is out there…what's next?
Sam : We have two other features in development – EXTRACTION, a sci-fi thriller, and FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST, a family drama, set to be directed by Joel Zwick (MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING.)
Doug : We also have a new Internet series – MIDNIGHT MOVER. Written by Gary Phillips, it combines graphic novel panels with live action. DANNY, the central character, is an Afghan vet dealing with PTSD, as he tries to fit back into normal life.
For more info go to: www.littledogproductionsllc.com
Buy the US DVD from Amazon.com
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