"A PSYCHO’S MEDLEY", West’s short story collection, is now available on Amazon
Kindle with a print version forthcoming. Though known mostly as a filmmaker,
West is also an accomplished author who has numerous books and short story
publications under his belt. He has also been recognized for his literary
efforts, having earned two International Horror Guild Award nominations in the
"A PSYCHO’S MEDLEY" is a blood soaked collection, featuring some of
the most disturbing horror fiction that author Terry M. West has ever written!
These stories revolve around the human monster known as the psychopath. West
closely examines the twisted souls and crimson fantasies of these killers. Take
this journey through terror that is all too real and you may never feel safe
This collection includes the never before seen story A PSYCHO'S MEDLEY
and MORSEL, THE NIGHT OUT (a finalist for an International Horror Guild Award
for a short story), TRAITEUR (the short story that would become the novel,
DREG), WAITING FOR THE THUNDER and the newly expanded novelette, HAIR AND BLOOD
MACHINE (which made the 1999 preliminary ballot for a Stoker Award for long
PSYCHO’S MEDLEY is the first of several literary offerings from West. These
upcoming projects include a revised and expanded edition of West’s 2003 horror
novel DREG.
The Kindle edition novel can be purchased and downlaoded from Amazon.com.
For more info, visit http://www.terrymwest.com
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