The critically acclaimed psychological thriller “The Shelter”, starring iconic actor Michael Paré (“Streets of Fire”), is now available for viewing around the world, thanks to its newfound home on Vimeo On Demand:
The film, which the L.A. TIMES said was “remarkably ambitious” and was “a concise genre piece that doubles as a heavily metaphorical character sketch”, had previously been released on DVD and VOD in the United States, and was also sold in various countries around the world including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden and South East Asia.
But now the rest of the world gets their chance to watch the psychological suspense film which critics loved at the London Frightfest, as well as the Sitges Film Festival.
The film is about a homeless man named Thomas (Michael Pare) who finds shelter for the night within a lavish abandoned two-story house. He eventually discovers that he is not alone and the premises won't let him leave.
“The Shelter” marked founder John Fallon’s directorial debut, a renaissance man who had previously written 12 films and acted in over 20 movies before directing his own. The first-time director said that “Since The Shelter’s domestic release, we’ve done all that we could do in terms of the classic distribution routes, but now it’s time for us to splash the film around the world, so that fans from anywhere can watch it whenever they want, from wherever they are!”
The film was shot entirely in Louisiana and provided lead actor Michael Pare with some of the best reviews of his career including kudos from WeAreIndieHorror which said that he gave “one of the best performances of his long career” and which said “Pare really gives it his all here, plunging to emotional depths I never thought he was able to do and doing them with a real sense of soul.”
Watch The Shelter on Vimeo on Demand here:
The film, which the L.A. TIMES said was “remarkably ambitious” and was “a concise genre piece that doubles as a heavily metaphorical character sketch”, had previously been released on DVD and VOD in the United States, and was also sold in various countries around the world including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden and South East Asia.
But now the rest of the world gets their chance to watch the psychological suspense film which critics loved at the London Frightfest, as well as the Sitges Film Festival.
The film is about a homeless man named Thomas (Michael Pare) who finds shelter for the night within a lavish abandoned two-story house. He eventually discovers that he is not alone and the premises won't let him leave.
“The Shelter” marked founder John Fallon’s directorial debut, a renaissance man who had previously written 12 films and acted in over 20 movies before directing his own. The first-time director said that “Since The Shelter’s domestic release, we’ve done all that we could do in terms of the classic distribution routes, but now it’s time for us to splash the film around the world, so that fans from anywhere can watch it whenever they want, from wherever they are!”
The film was shot entirely in Louisiana and provided lead actor Michael Pare with some of the best reviews of his career including kudos from WeAreIndieHorror which said that he gave “one of the best performances of his long career” and which said “Pare really gives it his all here, plunging to emotional depths I never thought he was able to do and doing them with a real sense of soul.”
Watch The Shelter on Vimeo on Demand here: