Set in Mexico ,
Carlos (Carlos Gallardo, a regular in
Robert Rodriguez films) is the son of a spiritual medium, known as a Curandero,
who many people seem to think also has his fathers “powers”. But Carlos is in
fact a sceptic, who doesn’t buy into any of this spiritual nonsense and spends
most of his time debunking local superstitions.
A young detective, Magdelana Garcia, comes to visit him, looking
for his father saying she needs his help to spiritually purify the police
station. A brutal drug lord, Castenada (Gabriel Pingarron) who’s heavily into
black magic, escaped from there days earlier and the police are scared to go
back inside until it’s been cleansed.
Though he thinks they’re being superstitious fools, he
agrees to go through the motions just so he can get them back to work. However,
when a rather demonic looking Castenada, who only he can see, pays him a visit
in the police station he is forced to reconsider his sceptical position.
Seems Castenada wants Detective Garcia for some reason and
only Carlos is able to prevent him from getting his hands on her and so the
scene is set for a bizarre showdown of sorts of evil spirits vs good. Scripted by Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk till Dawn, Sin
City ), this one was originally
filmed back in 2005 and was produced by Mirimax films, but got stuck in
post-production hell whilst the studios were in turmoil. But has thankfully
seen light of day thanks to Lionsgate films.
Filmed by Eduardo Rodriguez (no relation to Robert), the
film blends elements of Mexican superstition and witchcraft against a backdrop
of Mexicos drug problems and police corruption, which produces some interesting
results (think “Constantine” crossed with “Miami Vice”, but set in Mexico). There’s
some good gore and some interesting demonic imagery, but the film’s lows budget
and odd pacing do count against it. It is however an interesting new take on
various themes that have featured before, and fans of Robert Rodriguez other
movies will undoubtedly want to check it out, so my verdict is give it a go!
The film can be viewed either in its original Spanish
language with optional English subs, or in dubbed English. An audio commentary
track with director Eduardo Rodriguez and Director of Photography Jaime Reynoso
(in English) is also included on the disc.
The film is out on UK DVD now from Lionsgate.
View the trailer on YouTube
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