Happy Halloween, here's a quick video of me carving out this years pumpkin designs for your pleasure!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
"The Dead" rise again!
The Ford Brothers, the team behind the acclaimed zombie thriller "The Dead", have revealed that the much awaited sequel "The Dead 2" will be shot in India. Chatting to the audience at the FrightFest Halloween All-nighter, Howard Ford unveiled a teaser trailer shot on a recent location recce and said that the film, for which the screenplay is now completed, is anticipated to start production in February/March 2013.
Howard went on to say: “Jon and I have been receiving so much enthusiasm and demand for a sequel we owe it to the fans of 'The Dead 1' to deliver something that goes way beyond what we could achieve first time around and the starting point was to find the most stunning and varied landscapes where we have not seen the dead walk before”.
His brother Jon added: “Part 2 has to be another journey movie with varied terrains but challenges for our main characters that contain all of the gritty detail that people liked from the first film. There will be a lot more action and more scares along the way but we don't want to loose any of the little details that kept it feeling real”.
You can view the teaser trailer on You Tube.
Stitches - NSFW trailer!
Checkout the new NSFW trailer for the upcoming horror/comedy "Stitches" starring Ross Noble.
The film is in Cinemas NOW!
The film is in Cinemas NOW!
Sightseers Quad Poster
Studiocanal recently got in touch to reveal the new artwork for the upcoming horror comedy "Sightseers"
The film premiered at the London BFI Film festival earlier this month and will be released to UK cinemas November 30.
Visit th official website at http://blog.sightseersmovie.com/
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Post-Apocalympic Stratford - Sci-Fi/Horror festival
According to the Mayans, it's all over in December this year. So, what better way to prepare than watch monsters, mutants and the military try to make sense of it all.
We are delighted to be teaming up with Picturehouse Cinemas and bring our festival to Stratford. We kick off on Friday 9th and run though to Sunday 11th November. We screen some amazing films and have a few special events in the bar.
Full details are on the website, but here are a few highlights:
Fresh from its UK premiere at the London Film Festival, we are delighted to be screening this biting satire on the contemporary obsession with celebrity culture, from Brandon (son of David) Cronenberg. Which is also a warning about the powers, and inherent dangers, of the big pharmaceutical corporations.
Fresh from its UK premiere at the London Film Festival, we are delighted to be screening this biting satire on the contemporary obsession with celebrity culture, from Brandon (son of David) Cronenberg. Which is also a warning about the powers, and inherent dangers, of the big pharmaceutical corporations.
UK premier from Director, Paul Hough, who made the award-winning short THE ANGEL. Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with the simple rule "Race or die." Will it be survival of the fittest or a show of humanity?
UK premier from Director, Paul Hough, who made the award-winning short THE ANGEL. Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with the simple rule "Race or die." Will it be survival of the fittest or a show of humanity?
Makes The Hunger Games and Running Man look like a Sunday perambulation in the park.
What would a SCI-FI-LONDON festival be without our notorious all-nighters. Once again we bring you a collection of our favourite MST3K episodes and a superb line-up of new anime titles.
What would a SCI-FI-LONDON festival be without our notorious all-nighters. Once again we bring you a collection of our favourite MST3K episodes and a superb line-up of new anime titles.
Book now to avoid disappointment.
As well as great film, we have a masterclass in disaster survival, chats with writers about PA fiction and a tough post-apocalyptic pubquiz!
So grab your cricket bat, sword or weapon of choice and join us for the some fun.
For more info and to book tickets visit http://www.sci-fi-london.com/
Cockneys VS Zombies infographic
Just had this rather amusing Infographic sent to me detailing the events of the film "Cockneys Vs Zombies.
The film is out now on UK DVD and Blu-Ray
Buy the DVD at Amazon.co.uk
Buy the Blu-Ray at Amazon.co.uk
Hudson Horror Festival 666

This is by the far the biggest and most diverse lineup of movies we have ever presented. The show starts and heaven will be torn asunder as you run from, THE DEVIL’S RAIN! Starring Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner, Tom Skerrit, and an appearance by John Travolta, this is the coolest of the Satan Chic classics from the 70’s.
One of the greatest exploitation movies of all time, SWITCHBLADE SISTERS, tells the story of the Dagger Debs, the tough as nails girl gang whose members were hot as hell. Quentin Tarantino loves this movie, but hasn’t quite stolen from it yet!
Not many sequels can equal their predecessors, but PHANTASM II is one of the few. With more action, more midgets, and well, more balls, Phantasm II shatters the myth that all sequels suck.
There are no midgets in RE-ANIMATOR, but director Stuart Gordon’s unrated bloodbath has just about everything else. Mad scientists, zombies, talking heads and the most insane oral sex scene ever committed to celluloid, this film is cinematic proof that Jeffrey Combs got robbed of a best actor Oscar in 1985.
Sound the trumpets of Crom, after 30 years; the original CONAN THE BARBARIAN makes it triumphant return to the big screen! Forget the boring, anemic remake; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s breakout film delivers more blood, blades and boobs than most vintage slasher films.
Speaking of slasher films, what’s a Hudson Horror Show without one? Have no fear as our mystery movie is now revealed to be the original BLACK CHRISTMAS. Again, screw the remake; this is the original yuletide horror classic from 1974, which many claim to be the very first true slasher film. And any movie starring John Saxon just kicks major ass!
Be sure to bring extra cash as we will have vendors selling more wares than ever before. Comic books, movie posters, super cool magnets, rare DVD’s, t-shirts, artwork and more will up for grabs at HH666. Horror author Jason Gehlert will even be in attendance signing copies of his brand spanking new book, Jeremiah Black. This book sounds even sicker and more twisted than Jason’s other works, for all of his info go to www.facebook.com/jason.gehlert.
Advance tickets are $26.00 in advance at our website, if any day tickets remain, they will be $30.00 at the door day of show, cash only. Doors open at noon, show starts at 1PM and runs until 12AM. One ticket gets you entry in and out all day long.
For more information on the show, head to www.hudsonhorror.com or email us at info@hudsonhorror.com. Advance tickets are going quick and are only on sale until Monday, November 26th at 11:59PM. Get your tickets now! See you on 12-1-12!!
Santa Sangre remastered on UK Blu-Ray and DVD

Described as one of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s finest films Santa Sangre received huge critical acclaim on its initial release, and now Mr Bongo Films presents the phenomenal masterpiece in a version that fully highlights this visual feast on DVD and Blu-ray on 5 November 2012, which has been extensively digitally remastered and comes packed full of special features.
Written and directed by Jodorowsky along with Claudio Argento and Roberto Leoni, Santa Sangre is a terrifying, psychedelic horror. Set in Mexico it tells the story of a boy who grows up in a circus. We follow in flashback and flash forward the young Fenix (played by Jodorowsky’s son Adan) who witnesses a horrifically brutal incident between his mother and father which sends him insane and as an adolescent (played by Jodorowsky’s older son Axel), as he is leaves an asylum into the care of his crazed, vengeful mother.
Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean-French filmmaker, playwright, actor, author, comic writer and spiritual guru. Best known for his avant-garde films, he has been ‘venerated by cult cinema enthusiasts’ for his work which is filled with violently surreal images and a hybrid blend of mysticism and religious provocation. Santa Sangre is the ultimate midnight movie, the cult film to end all cult films.
Special Features include.
• Main feature
• Optional commentary by Jodorowsky and journalist Alan Jones
• Alejandro Jodorowsky's Cult Cinema
• La Constellation Jodorowsky by Louis Mouchet
• Deleted scenes with commentary from Jodorowsky and journalist Alan Jones Jodorowsky interview at ICA London (2002)
• Echek - A short film by Adan Jodorowsky (Alejandor's son and star of Santa Sangre)
• Mr Bongo Trailer
• Main feature
• Optional commentary by Jodorowsky and journalist Alan Jones
• Alejandro Jodorowsky's Cult Cinema
• La Constellation Jodorowsky by Louis Mouchet
• Deleted scenes with commentary from Jodorowsky and journalist Alan Jones Jodorowsky interview at ICA London (2002)
• Echek - A short film by Adan Jodorowsky (Alejandor's son and star of Santa Sangre)
• Mr Bongo Trailer
Buy the DVD from Amazon.co.uk
Buy the Blu-Ray from Amazon.co.uk
Monday, 22 October 2012
Peterborough Zombie Walk - This Saturday (27 Oct)

The meeting place is Charers Bar, near the Rivergate Centre. The undead will begin their march through the city centre at 3pm sharp and finish at the Brewers Tap next to the Queensgate centre.
Anybody interested in joing in the fun and wants to know more, visit the official Facebook page at...
13th Hour Horror Festival London

Highlights include a special simultaneous screening of Alfred Hitchcocks 1960 shocker "Psycho" alongside Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake on Thursday the 25th. A weekend of zombie films, including "Dawn of the Dead" on Friday the 26th, "28 Days later" on Sunday the 28th and "Dead Snow" on Monday the 29th.
There will also be a number of stage plays including "Dracula" and such delights as "The Ghoul I Love", "The Halloween Sessions" and "Play Dead", as well as various comedy events and lectures.
For more info on whats on and when, and to book tickets, visit the Leicester Square Theatre website.
Paranormal Activity 4 - Out Now!!!!!
The Fourth Film in the "Paranormal Activity" series is out in UK cinemas NOW. If you wish to refresh your memory as to what happened in the previous films, here's a handy recap...
Visit the official website at http://www.paranormalmovie.com/
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Cockney's Vs Zombies - UK DVD/Blu-Ray review

When a group of builders unearth an ancient tomb on their construction site, it unleashes a zombie plague on the East End of London. Unawhere of what's going on around them, a group of incompetant bank robbers (including former EastEnders actress Michelle Ryan) are attempting to pull of a heist at their local branch, only to discover the neighbourhood being descimated by a zombie invasion when they emerge with their loot.
Taking off in their getaway van, they find the undead are on the march throughout the whole of the East end, and the authorities have sealed the area off. But with their grandparents trapped in the nearby old folks home, the group decide rather than lay low, to grab their weapons, tool up and go rescue them, producing a series of slapstick, not to mention exceptionally gory, running battles.
Directed by Matthius Hoene (Beyond the Rave) and featuring a stellar British cast including Alan Ford (Lock Stock, The Sweeney), Honor Blackman (Bridget Jones, TVs The Avengers - no not THAT version), Dudley Sutton (The Devils, TVs Lovejoy) and Richard Briers (TVs The Good Life and various films), this is without doubt the funniest damn zombie movie I've seen in ages.
Seeing all these elderly veteran British actors shooting zombies in the head with automatic weapons and pump-action shotguns really just has to be seen to be beleived and the scene where they're chasing Richard Briers with his zimmerframe round the back garden was so damn silly I almost cried laughing.
Whilst the film is bound to draw obvious comparisons with "Shaun of the Dead", you really need to try and forget that and view this on its own merits as it really has nothing in common with that. There's some hilarious politically incorrect humour, and a few in-jokes that zombie film fans should get and overall is bloody good fun. So if you enjoyed "Shaun of the Dead" or "Doghouse", I would definately recommend checking this out.
The film is released to UK DVD and Blu-Ray October 22nd by Studio Canal. Extras on the discs include 7x Behind the Scenes/Making of Features, a "Zombie School" instructional video, which was originally produced to show the extras how to move on camera and the original theatrical trailer!
Sightseers - Character Posters Revealed
Studio Canal have just revealed the new poster artwork to promote the release of the new upcoming horror-comedy "Sightseers", which is released to UK cinemas in November.
Check them out below...
For more info, checkout the official blog at http://blog.sightseersmovie.com/
Check them out below...
The film will premiere as the Laugh gala film at the London Film Festival on October 20 and is released nationwide from November 30.
For more info, checkout the official blog at http://blog.sightseersmovie.com/
October 16th is World Zombie Day
Yes apparently Today, October 16th, is "World Zombie Day".
Check out how these revellers in London celebrated...
Read more about this HERE
Check out how these revellers in London celebrated...
Read more about this HERE
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Chernobyl Diaries - UK DVD review

The story revolves around a group of young adults who are touring round Eastern Europe on holiday, when they're given the chance to tour around the former Chernobyl Power Station and the adjacent town of Pripyat, which were evacuated in the 1980s following a Nuclear Meltdown at the plant.
But all is not as it seems at the former Ghost town. Initially turned down at the check point for undisclosed reasons, rather than turn back, their guide decides to take them in the back way. But as night falls and they prepare to leave, they find the van won't start and the old town is not as empty and abandoned as they were led to believe and what started as an offbeat tour, turns into a battle for survival.
This was actually filmed in and around the real life town of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Power Plant itself, and makes excellent use of its settings. The deserted locations really give the film a genuine creepy feeling, and a real atmosphere of desolation, which I don't think could have been acheived had this been filmed on a studio set.
The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray, extras include an alternate ending, a deleted scene, a "Chernobyl Conspiracy" viral trailer, a fake infomercal for "Uri's Extreme Tours", featuring Uri the Tour Guide from the film, and the theatrical trailer.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Halloween - Back in UK Cinemas.

See once more through the eyes of Michael Myers and feel the tension build with Carpenter’s celebrated soundtrack. One of the most famous horror films of them all, Halloween is back in cinemas.
It's Halloween 1963, a 6-year-old masked Michael Myers has just stabbed to death his older sister and condemned himself to life imprisonment. But, 15 years later, he escapes and it's only his psychiatrist Dr Loomis who foresees the horror that will ensue on that fateful Halloween night in 1978.
It is left to Dr Loomis to track down Myers and protect the residents of Haddonfield including the young, innocent and oblivious Laurie Strode played by a then unknown Jamie Lee Curtis. This is one Haddonfield homecoming you will never forget.
Halloween will open in the UK from Friday 26th October at Apollo West End and will screen across Vue and Apollo Cinemas on 31st October.
For more info visit http://www.apollocinemas.com
Thursday, 11 October 2012
The Thompsons - UK DVD review

The film is a sequel of sorts to the 2006 film “The
Hamiltons”, which sees the titular family from that relocating to England
and taking on new identities after being forced to flee the US ,
following a rather messy incident at a roadside diner.
Looking for a long fabled vampire clan rumoured to exist
somewhere in the English countryside, one of them stumbles upon the quintessentially
English village of Ludlow, only to find the picturesque village is actually
harbouring a dark secret that might prove to be the death of them all.
Whilst the film is technically a follow up, utilising the
characters created in “The Hamiltons”, plotwise its pretty much a stand alone
movie as it doesn’t bring too much baggage across from the earlier film.
The film is a little on the slow side and is not exactly
what I would call an action movie, but is quite enjoyable and brings a few interesting twists
to vampire lore, and in many ways has a kind of “Hammer films” vibe to it.
Extras wise, the disc comes with 6x behind the scenes, making
of features, which include interviews with the cast and crew, plus there’s a
stack of bonus trailers for other features which play at the start of the disc.
If you liked The Hamiltons, then you should also enjoy this,
as should general vampire movie fans.
The film is released to UK DVD
from Lionsgate on October 15th.
Pre-order the DVD at Amazon.co.uk
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
American Horror Story - Series 1 comes to disc!

American Horror Story revolves around the Harmons; a family who move from Boston to Los Angeles to escape a troubled past. Ben Harmon (Dylan McDermott, Steel Magnolias), his wife Vivien (Connie Britton, A Nightmare On Elm Street) and their troubled daughter Violet (Taissa Farmiga) uncover far more anguish in their new home, however, a place of unfinished business for former residents both dead and alive…
As the family becomes more and more embroiled in the house and its murky past, new terrors begin to close in, with sinister neighbor Constance (Jessica Lange, Cape Fear), devious housekeepers, and even Ben’s new patients all vying for control of the family’s heart and soul – at any cost.
Created by Ryan Murphy (Nip/Tuck, Glee), American Horror Story Season 1 includes stellar guest appearances by Denis O’Hare (True Blood), Frances Conroy (Six Feet Under) and Zachary Quinto (Star Trek).
Extras on the disc include audio commentary tracks, a location tour of the house used in the series, and 3x making-of specials.
Pre-order the
DVD at Amazon.co.uk
Pre-order the
Blu-Ray at Amazon.co.uk
Night of the Punks - Online!!!!

In Night of the Punks, small town punk rockers The Brain Deads have their first out of town show, but there are a few problems: the venue is deserted, the promoter is a creep, their bassist has gone missing and the only kids in the audience turn out to be bloodthirsty punk rockers from Hell.
Drawing inspiration from Return of the Living Dead, Night of the Demons and the Evil Dead series, Night of the Punks is a blood-splatted love letter to '80s horror cinema. The cast includes industry veteran Luke Edwards (The Wizard, Little Big League, Newsies), sketch comedian Nick Munday, professional wrestler Vic D. Vine and L.A. horror punk band Murderland. The short has been Official Selection at more than 25 film festivals around the world and took home numerous awards and accolades.
Director Dan Riesser comments, "Making Night of the Punks and taking it to festivals was an amazing experience, and I'm glad everyone now has a chance to catch it on YouTube." Riesser plans to turn the self-financed, 19-minute short into a feature film. The script is complete and the project is currently seeking funding. In the interim, Riesser is focusing on his feature directorial debut, Stomping Ground. Billed as a scary comedy about love and Bigfoot, the movie enters production this month.
View the short film online on YouTube
For more information on Night of the Punks, visit its official website at http://www.nightofthepunks.com.
This trailer will have you in "Stitches"
Checkout the trailer for the upcoming horror film "Stitches" starring Ross Noble...
The film enjoyed a hugely successful screening at this year’s Frightfest and won TOTAL FILM’s ‘Best Death’ Award.
Stitches will be released in UK cinemas 26 October.
The film enjoyed a hugely successful screening at this year’s Frightfest and won TOTAL FILM’s ‘Best Death’ Award.
Stitches will be released in UK cinemas 26 October.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Red Lights

Two sceptical scientists seek to expose the trickery behind seemingly unexplainable events but face their greatest challenge to their beliefs and their lives when an enigmatic psychic resurfaces.
Tenacious Dr. Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver), a world renowned investigator of paranormal hoaxes together with her partner Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy) study the most varied metaphysical and psychic phenomena with one aim, to prove their fraudulent origin.
But when legendary but elusive blind psychic Simon Silver (Robert DeNiro) emerges following a mysterious 30 year absence, the once-fearless Matheson warns her Buckley to leave this case alone for fear that Silver will retaliate and put his life in danger.
Empowered by his obsession to disprove Silver, Buckley enlists the help of his star student Sally Owen (Elizabeth Olsen) and uses every tool at his disposal. As Tom gets closer to Silver, whose magnetism becomes stronger with each new manifestation of inexplicable events, tension mounts, and he is forced to question his own core beliefs.
RED LIGHTS features an all star cast Academy Award winner Robert De Niro, Sigourney Weaver, Cillian Murphy, Toby Jones, Joely Richardson and rising star Elizabeth Olsen.
Extras on the discs include a "Making-Of" special.
Buy the UK DVD from Amazon.co.uk
Buy the UK Blu-Ray from Amazon.co.uk
Inbred Trailer
Checkout the trailer for Alex Chandon's "Inbred" which hits UK DVD and Blu-Ray October 15th.
Pre-order the UK DVD from Amazon.co.uk
Pre-order the UK Blu-Ray from Amazon.co.uk
Pre-order the UK DVD from Amazon.co.uk
Pre-order the UK Blu-Ray from Amazon.co.uk
Frightfest Halloween All-Nighter - October 27!
The FrightFest Halloween All-nighter returns to the Vue in London’s Leicester Square on Saturday October 27 for another helping of choice shock around the clock horror. And this year horror fans around the country can join in the fearful fun as, on Saturday November 3, the event travels to the Picturehouse Cambridge, the Empires in Sunderland and Newcastle and The Watershed Bristol.
London line-up:
6.30pm EXCISION (UK Premiere)
Alienated and mentally unhinged teen Pauline struggles with the pressures of high school, pleasing her demanding mother and loosing her virginity. With a grotesque curiosity for the darker side of life, Pauline retreats into her fantasy world of becoming a great surgeon. Be prepared for a central performance by Annalynne McCord that will move, challenge and ultimately creep you out.
Alienated and mentally unhinged teen Pauline struggles with the pressures of high school, pleasing her demanding mother and loosing her virginity. With a grotesque curiosity for the darker side of life, Pauline retreats into her fantasy world of becoming a great surgeon. Be prepared for a central performance by Annalynne McCord that will move, challenge and ultimately creep you out.
9.00pm SURPRISE FILM (UK Premiere)
11.45pm THE TALL MAN (UK Premiere)
Director Pascal Laugier’s follow-up to his classic MARTYRS is another sensational thriller of astonishing depth. In the depressed Canadian town of Cold Rock, children are disappearing, Witnesses say they have seen a Tall Man at the scenes of the crimes, When this ‘tall man’ kidnaps the son of Julia Denning (Jessica Biel), the town nurse, Julia finds herself at the centre of an unravelling legend.
Director Pascal Laugier’s follow-up to his classic MARTYRS is another sensational thriller of astonishing depth. In the depressed Canadian town of Cold Rock, children are disappearing, Witnesses say they have seen a Tall Man at the scenes of the crimes, When this ‘tall man’ kidnaps the son of Julia Denning (Jessica Biel), the town nurse, Julia finds herself at the centre of an unravelling legend.
2.15am BAIT 3D (UK Premiere)
From CUT director Kimble Rendall comes a new dimension in deep sea terror as shoppers at an Australian underground Oceania supermarket are under attack by a crazed bandit. Suddenly, the unimaginable happens. A monster freak tsunami swallows up the town Now trapped, with rushing waves threatening to entomb them in a watery grave, the survivors discover they are not alone…
From CUT director Kimble Rendall comes a new dimension in deep sea terror as shoppers at an Australian underground Oceania supermarket are under attack by a crazed bandit. Suddenly, the unimaginable happens. A monster freak tsunami swallows up the town Now trapped, with rushing waves threatening to entomb them in a watery grave, the survivors discover they are not alone…
4.00am ZOMBIE FLESHEATERS - Retrospective Spotlight
To celebrate the launch of the restored version by Arrow Films (the DVD features a commentary by FrightFest’s Alan Jones), the Italian godfather of gore Lucio Fulci’s classic as you’ve never seen it before. It’s all here: the underwater shark vs. zombie face off, the splinter-in-the-eye sequence, the cannibalistic disembowelling and completely superfluous nudity. What more could anyone want?
5.45am THE HELPERS (UK Premiere)
Seven friends on a road trip to Las Vegas break down in the desert. They find help at a nearby Motel and it seems like they’ve lucked out with a group of good Samaritans. Yet when they wake in their rooms the next day, they are bound up, tied down and posed in several different weird scenarios. Each ending only one way – painful, gruesome death. Who is responsible for such fiendishly clever bloody terror?
Seven friends on a road trip to Las Vegas break down in the desert. They find help at a nearby Motel and it seems like they’ve lucked out with a group of good Samaritans. Yet when they wake in their rooms the next day, they are bound up, tied down and posed in several different weird scenarios. Each ending only one way – painful, gruesome death. Who is responsible for such fiendishly clever bloody terror?
Tickets for the London event cost £50 and go on sale on Monday Ist October.
To book call 08712 240 240 or visit the Vue Cinema FrightFest Page
Tickets can also be bought at the cinema
For details of regional screenings please visit http://www.frightfest.co.uk
Note that the regional venues will not be playing all of the titles screening at the London event so please check local listings
Mara Trailer
New trailer for the Swedish horror film "Mara" has just hit the web, check it out below...
For more info, visit the production company's website http://www.filmkoncept.com
For more info, visit the production company's website http://www.filmkoncept.com
Blood Was Everywhere!

In "Blood Was Everywhere", the nightmare of the unsolved, random murder is brought to life as a faceless killer wreaks havoc on the lives of average people in a small Massachusetts town. Watch the trailer now.
Inspired by the classic slashers of the late '70s and early '80s, Blood Was Everywhere is a chilling combination of horror, thriller, mystery and character study from the mind of Jason Torrey. "I'm extremely proud of this film," says Torrey. "It's exactly the movie I wanted to make. After a long journey and a lot of hard work from everyone involved, I'm happy that people finally have the chance to see it."
In addition to directing the film and conceiving the story, Torrey co-wrote the script with J R.A Schaefer and Sherrie Lemire. The cast of Blood Was Everywhere features Paul Kratka (Friday the 13th Part III), the late Larry Holden (Memento, Batman Begins) and a number of upcoming actors, including Ashley Arnold, Kimberly Simone, Phil Ristaino, Vanessa Leigh, John Westcott, Dita Prenn, Adam Morey, Neal Howland, Ben Kirchmyer, Erin Lynch and Kevin Hayes.
For more information on Blood Was Everywhere, visit the following links...
Official website - http://www.BloodWasEverywhere.com
Facebook page - http://www.Facebook.com/BloodWasEverywhere.
Rock and Shock Festival - http://rockandshock.com/
Panzram DVD - Available Now

A lifelong criminal and serial killer, Carl Panzram befriends Henry Lesser, a young jail guard at the Washington DC jail in 1928. After hearing of Panzram's torture, Lesser sends Panzram one dollar and convinces the killer to write his autobiography while secretly supplying him with pencil and paper. Panzram writes over 40,000 words documenting his entire life of and incarceration, torture, rape, and murder.
From John Borowski, director of "H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer" and "Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation", comes the definitive docudrama chronicling the entire life and crimes of Carl Panzram. Included is footage of Panzram's original handwritten papers from San Diego State University, location footage from Leavenworth Penitentiary, Clinton Prison and Red Wing Youth Correctional Facility, and an exclusive interview with Panzram's jail guard Henry Lesser. John DiMaggio, (Bender from "Futurama"), provides the voice of Carl Panzram.
To order the DVD, visit the Official Website
Paranormal Activity 4 - New Trailer
OK, I'm a little behind with my updates, but a new trailer for "Paranormal Activity 4" hit the web last week. Check it out below, the film hits UK cinemas on Wednesday October 17th.
Visit the "Official Website".
Visit the "Official Website".
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Zombie World Record Attempt This Saturday - Oct 6th (UK)

You need to be there between 5:30pm - 6:30pm, and be dressed as a zombie. If not, there is a team of makeup artists on hand to turn you into a respectable Zombie (The Guinness Records Book requires white face, dark eyes and some red!). But it will help if you are already suitably costumed up.
At 7:00pm the adjudicators from Guiness World Records will announce if we have a new record, everyone will get a certificate.
Alan Ford from "Cockney Vs Zombies" will be there to present awards and sign autographs.
More info, along with details of how to get there can be found at...
The Shocktober Scream park is open from 6th October onwards on selcted nights, visit their website for opening times and ticket prices. http://www.halloweenattractions.co.uk